Tuesday, October 9, 2012

My movie choice

What is your favorite movie?
When I think of what my favorite movie is I can only think of the movie that makes me laugh, cry and  happy all in one. UP this movie is the
best movie ever when you can combine all the best emotions into one Love, Happiness, Suspense and Comedy. I think the reason I love the movie so much is because its just so heart warming when the movie starts out as love story between to kids who are adventurers.  I think this catches attention because there cute kids in a love story of sweet hearts all through there life. I respond to the elements narritive and plot because there are so many parts in the movie that just make me laugh but on the other end they also make you cry. The characters Russel, The old man, Doug the Dog, and The Snipe. When watching the movie you see commitment from the old man to the boy it all starts with the boy trying to help the old man then he gets stuck when the old man ties his house up to millions of balloons to make sure he doesnt have to go to the old folks home. Then they end up in the middle of nowhere where the old man and his wife who passed away had a plan to go someday but she passed away before anything could happen. But in the movie the boy and old man help one another along the way but at first they never get along until they realize how much they need each other and love one another. This movie is just a great movie if you have never seen it, it is a must see for everyone young to old.


  1. I didn't even think of this movie myself, bu this was a good choice. Up was a great movie. Doug was the best.

  2. I also saw up and enjoyed it. It takes the best parts of movies, and puts them all in one. I enjoy how the old man's story develops through the film. In the end you find out why he does not want to sell his house and about his life.
